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Helen Orme


I have written over 60 books including fiction, non-fiction, and educational text-books and CD ROMs. Full details at www.magic-nation.com Click on the book icon.

Hobbies and favourite books/authors:

I enjoy cooking, gardening, travel, and being a good granny. I read a lot, especially historical novels, crime fiction, and cookery books. David sometimes gets very alarmed when I bring home from the library books on cooking and books about famous poisoners.

When did you started writing and why?

It was never some thing I intended to do – it just happened! Many writers were once teachers – preparing all those lessons gives you a head start as a writer.

How and where you find inspiration?

Many of my books are commissioned so the publisher provides the inspiration! For others it might be talking to individuals, or visiting interesting places, and on one occasion it was listening to another author on the radio. He had written a book about teenage sexuality that offended a lot of people. What he said annoyed me; I decided to write a book about an even more taboo subject without using bad language at all. That book is Don’t Even Think It, published by Ransom.

How you go about research?

Ideas for my Siti’s Sisters books come from many years of working with teenage girls.

Many people think that writing non-fiction involves trips to exotic places. I wish! Most of my non-fiction research is done sitting at the computer. The problem is that it is so fascinating I start surfing, and the hours slip by! But this is what I enjoy about non-fiction writing.

Creative writing tips:

The most important skill if you want to be a writer is to be a good reader. Creative writing is about imagination, but it helps if you can write from your own experience. The imagination comes in when you tweak reality into fantasy.

Writing projects you are currently working on, including anything you’re doing not intended for publication:

I have some ideas – sorry, they’re secret!

Promotional services such as giving talks or writing workshops, and contact details:

I run writing workshops and INSET sessions, mainly in Central Southern England, and often in conjuction with my husband David.

Full details includsing how to contact us on our website www.magic-nation.com.