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Cold Fusion

Interest age 9 – 12 | Reading age 12+

A new series that caters for the interests of the more gifted reader – children who find that the run of the mill books available for their age group are just not stimulating enough.

Each of the books in the Cold Fusion series tackles a compelling topic in a way that is more demanding than the average book for 9 to 12 year-olds. The series includes both fiction and non-fiction, but in all cases the reader will be stretched with stimulating ideas.

The books in this series are not necessarily very long reads; more able readers do not always want to read ‘doorstops’. Rather it is the content of these books and the vocabulary used that is used that is more demanding.


Never Odd or Even


John Townsend





No. of Pages:




‘I’m at that special age: 12. It’s one of my favourite numbers. 12 isn’t just the sum of 10 (the base of our whole amazing number system) and 2 (the only even prime number in the universe) but it’s the first number with 1, 2, 3 and 4 as factors. I reckon that’s so cool.’

Here’s a detective story with a difference. Eliot is twelve – and he thinks outside the box. He can’t help it. Numbers are his thing – and letters. So when ‘the biggest mystery that struck our school in the history of the world’ needs to be solved, Eliot is the one to call on.

But this time the solution doesn’t lie in the real world (or in the ‘real’ world of the story). Instead, the solution lies inside the book itself – only it’s locked away in a series of puzzles and palindromes. Can you find the clues, solve the puzzles and find the culprit?



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How Do We Know Anything?


David Orme & Stephen Rickard





No. of Pages:




Sometimes the most innocent questions are the hardest to answer. Is the Earth really round? Did Christopher Columbus really discover America? Does three plus eight make eleven? How do you know? How do you know anything?

This is a light-hearted, stimulating and provocative journey through the jungles of fact and fiction, knowledge and wisdom, and thinking for yourself.

Are you the victim of other people’s thinking? How can you be sure?



Why Haven’t We Seen Aliens?


Stephen Rickard





No. of Pages:




If there really is alien life elsewhere in the Universe, then it’s reasonable to ask why we haven’t seen it. Surely our planet Earth would have been visited by aliens by now? Does that mean that alien life doesn’t exist?

This book uses some simple maths to take a sober look at the chances of our actually meeting alien life. After all, we will only meet up if both we and they are in the right place at the right time. The Universe is a big place – and it has been around for a long time. Perhaps we were ‘out’ when they visited us.
