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Catch Up Literacy – where Ransom's books fit

Catch Up is a not-for-profit charity which aims to address the problem of underachievement that has its roots in literacy and numeracy difficulties.

Catch Up Literacy is a structured intervention for learners who find reading difficult. It has been proven to be an effective tool which can significantly help struggling readers in just 10 – 15 minutes a week.

For further information, visit the Catch Up website - www.catchup.org.uk.

Many of Ransom Publishing’s books are suitable for use in Catch Up Literacy. The books listed below are included in the Catch Up Literacy online booklist. Catch Up book levels for Ransom Series are as follows:

Series Catch Up Level
Goal! 1/5/6/7/8
321 Go! 6
Dark Man 6 & 8
Boffin Boy 8
Trailblazers 8
Starchasers 10
Siti's Sisters 10

Catch Up Literacy Levels support the professional judgments of teachers, teaching assistants and carers when they are selecting books for struggling readers. Books are graded into 12 levels of text difficulty and grouped by age and interest level. More details regarding the booklist can be found on the Catch Up website.

Complete packs of Ransom’s reading books listed on the Catch Up website are available from Ransom as follows:



Primary Pack

Price £479.99 (Save £50!)
ISBN 978-184167-472-8
(There are 104 books in the pack.)


Secondary Pack

Price £599.99 (Save £70!)
ISBN 978-184167-473-5
(There are 141 books in the pack.)