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Book Bands, Catch Up and Accelerated Reader

Most of Ransom's reading books have been graded as part of the following schemes. For further information about each of the schemes, please click on the “Find out more” links, below.

Accelerated Reader

Accelerated Reader (AR) is a reading software programme that is designed to help you motivate children of all abilities to read more books for pleasure.

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Catch Up Literacy

Catch Up is a not-for-profit charity which aims to address the problem of underachievement that has its roots in literacy and numeracy difficulties.

Catch Up Literacy is a structured intervention for learners who find reading difficult. It has been proven to be an effective tool which can significantly help struggling readers in just 10 – 15 minutes a week.

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Book Bands for Guided Reading

Individual books within each series fit into one of the bands indicated for the series. Book banding by individual title is also available.

The recognised/published IOE book band criteria have been applied. However, it's worth bearing in mind that these critieria are designed for mainstream reading books, not for high interest age/low reading age books. In our view, some of the criteria used for the Book Bands are not best suited for "high-low" books of this type. Having said that, it's still a very useful schema.

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